

I admire Mr.Pharis

Sure, I admire Mr. M.A Pharis for his business tactics, his determination, his braveness to compete with the whole church. As he planned, he owned Rashtra Deepika Ltd. His plans became success. Congratulation Mr. Pharis. Seriously.

I feel ashame of church leaders. Blood and sweat sprouted out from the vain of CMI fathers has been surrendered to Pharis by Mar. Mathew Arackal, Bishop, Kanjirappally dioceses. What is the businesses interest made Mar Arackal to go for such a cheap business?

Deepika daily and Kottayam office will remain with church authority. Rest of the allied publications including will be going to own by Mr. M.A Pharis.


What is web development?

Web development – part A
Web development is a word which is so familiar in IT and ITES industry. The cyber world facilitates everyone to touch and feel the pulses of the other halve of the world while sitting in another halve. Development of web facilitate everyone to get access of every news. Here comes the importance of web development. The individual or firm who develop a web site is called web developer and the process is known as web development. There are are lot of stages in the procedure of web development..
The first step of the process is conceiving the website. Here the individual or firm is given full details of the business or the intention of the website by the client. Means, the requirement of the client is being given to the web developer. The web development team study the details and come with a detailed plan or conceptualize the website.
The next stage of the web development is the proposal creation. This is actually the head ache of the project management head and marketing wing. In most of the small web development firm, the preparation of the proposal is a liability of the Chief Operating Officer with the help of marketing head. The proposal form includes the time to be needed for the web development, the number of paces or module and the time to be needed for the completion, the documents which client has to give for the smooth running of the development and most important and final- the remuneration of the job.
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